Quick Start

This guide will help you get started with implementing Oboe in your site/application.

Project Setup

  1. Log in to your Oboe dashboard
  2. Navigate to Settings > Projects
  3. Create a new project if you haven’t already
    • You can create multiple projects for different environments (local, development, staging, production)
    • Each project will have its own unique implementation snippet

Publishing Your Snippet

  1. After creating a project, click the three dots (⋮) next to the project name
  2. Select ‘Publish Snippet’
    • This action deploys your snippet across Oboe’s server network
    • Note: The snippet will be empty initially until you configure it


Static HTML

Next go the Implementation tab, select the project you created and copy the snippet. The snippet will look like the following HTML that you can add to your <head> section:

<script src="https://cdn.oboeapp.com/{projectId}.js"></script>
try { Oboe.init({organizationId}, {projectId}); } catch (e) { console.error('Oboe Initialization Error: ', e); }

Single Page Applications

You will need to alter the snippet to your framework of choice. The following is an exmaple SvelteKit implementation:

<!-- layout.svelte -->
    import { page } from '$app/stores';
    import { onMount } from 'svelte';

    onMount(() => {
        page.subscribe((value) => {
			try {
				Oboe.init('YOUR ORG ID', 'YOUR PROJECT ID');
			} catch (e) {
				console.error('Oboe Initialization Error: ', e);

Oboe should be initialized on every page load.

Next Steps